Monthly Archives: December 2014

Graduating… and lookin good!


Jack Frost… be still my heart.  Tonight He was absolutely the most photogenic puppy in the history of proud foot. I mean seriously.  Just sit down and look so handsome.  I’m not sure I will be able to put him on the plane tomorrow Zach. 🙂  Oh he is just way too handsome… and just so calm.  Another one of him just because he leaves us tomorrow and we are happy for him and sad for us.


yea… Ugh.  So so adorable.


Twinkle… Her Family thinks they might name her Ivory.  I think it totally fits.  She is so beautiful.  And sweet.  I know… I’m starting to sound like a broken record.  But if you were me … you would too. 😀

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Noelle… the little fritzmuffin.  She did NOT want to pose.  She had places to go and things to explore.  So Michael had to hold her.  And even then it took awhile before I got her distracted little eyes to look my way.  She is going to LOVE the kids when she goes home with the Oeltjen family.  She is so fun!


sweet Jingle.  He was planning a jump here.  🙂  He is going to be a christmas surprise for the Gartside Kid.  Oh they will just love him.  He is fairly chill but he loves a good party. 🙂  So good looking.


Christopher.  Look out Fuget Family.  There is a ball of fun coming your way.  And he is Just as handsome as they come.  🙂  He can hardly wait to meet you Jen!  He already loves John and Justin.


Nicholas.  He also had things he would rather have done then pose.  🙂  But he did ok… for a snap.  He is so much fun.  And I would say that he is about the friendliest little guy in the bunch (cooper is very close the same in my opinion).  HE LOVES PEOPLE!  Look out Jackie and Amanda… it’s going to be a very Jolly Christmas!  😀


Christopher and Nicholas looking all handsome.


Here is Cooper (aka snickerdoodle).  He went to live with the Sanger family in New Jersey.  The news I hear is he did great on the way home and is settling in and adjusting just great.  Michael and I were looking at the pictures they sent us via text and feeling Jealous of the whole new puppy experience.  There is just nothing like it.  Check out our facebook page for a few cute ones of Cooper in his new home.  He is a lucky pup.

7 weeks… and so LOVABLE


Let’s start with the ever so handsome Mr. Christopher.  He is one of the big boys and more laid back.  Him and his brother Jingle (Below) are very similar in looks and personality…  we have a the Fuget family from the Jersey Shore is coming on Saturday to choose between the two… I don’t know how they are going to decide.  They are both so sweet.


This is Jingle.  You know what I mean?  Ugh… we might just want to keep him.  Oh well… but that might be hard because we have quite a few clamoring for him right now.  We will wait and see which one the Fugets pick and then see what happens. Here they are… both of them…


Jingle left and Christopher right.  I think they are pretty much the twins in the bunch.


Jach Frost.  He is such a lucky boy.  We found out just last night that he is going to live in Scottsdale AZ with Zach Denney.  We hesitate to ship because we prefer to meet the families.  But after talking to Zach… and hearing about his place and his parents place in Oregon we just couldn’t say no.  Zach knew what he wanted and was great to work with. Maybe it helped that we our two year old son’s name is Zach. 🙂  We know that Jack will have a great life there.  Fenced in yard, and pool etc.  I told my husband that having a pool in PA is nice.  But having one in Arizona is way way better because you can use it most of the year.  We are so happy for Zach and Jack frost.  I’m not sure which is luckier. 🙂


Jack frost again. 🙂 we weighed him because he seemed like the biggest.  He is 11.10 lb.  And his smallest brother Cooper (aka snickerdoodle) weighs in at 7.10.  They are both as healthy as ever.  I really wonder what their full grown weights will be.


this is Nicholas, Cooper, and Jack Frost


Cooper … the snooper.  No really he is such a fun little guy.  He loves to explore and get into things.  Look out Sanger family… you in for a lotta lovin!  🙂


This is Nicholas.  He is no saint but he is the most friendly little guy ever.  He picked on Hadassah tonight… it was adorable.  He just wanted to play with her.  And she wasn’t really in the mood.  They are almost as big as her and definitely moving faster so they aren’t quite the good thrill they used to be for her…

Anyway… Nicholas is going to live in Lewes beach Delaware with Amanda, Jackie & kids.  Oh and sweet Zoe their 14 year old Golden.  They will love him so well I’m sure!


This is of Noelle sneaking a kiss…  Speaking of Noelle…


Here she is.  And we found out today that she is going to live in Oeltjen family in Moorestown New Jersey.  She will have lots of kids to play with and a large yard and home.  She is so lucky. And her new Name is Ruby.  I think it totally fits.


And sweet Twinkle. I love how she struck such a lady like pose. She is going to be a christmas surprise From L.F. to her Husband!  They live in Maryland.  No doubt she will make all the neighbors Jealous.  🙂


Noelle (aka Ruby) and Twinkle giving each other kisses.  They are precious.